Winter is Coming - 33rd Sunday of OT, B

From Kenrick-Glennon Seminary Readings: (Audio for homily below text) Winter is coming . . . or is it already here?! This is the most snow I’ve seen in my time yet in St. Louis, but it’s all gone after three days! And it’s hard to believe that just a month ago we were experiencing 90 degree weather. In fact, this winter caught me completely off-guard, and as I was wondering why, here’s what I determined. At the seminary, I spend nearly all of my day inside. It’s one huge building; I can walk from my room downstairs to the chapel, then over to the refectory, then to the classrooms, library, other friends’ rooms, and so on. The only time I would need to go outside is to walk the short distance over to the gym to work out. Thus, I’m not outside to notice the temperature change, the changing leaves on the trees, and the animals preparing for winter. I spend so m...