5 Songs for Restlessness

"You have made us for Yourself, O Lord, and our hearts are restless until they rest in You."

Today is the feast day of St. Augustine, a bishop and doctor of the Church.  His book Confessions details his journey toward conversion, and the above quotation has been described as one of the greatest lines outside of the Scriptures.  The famous statement summarizes our restlessness that we face every day until we come to the Lord, and it can be a powerful reminder for us to turn to Christ in difficult times.  In honor of this, here are five songs coming from different styles of music to help you rest in the Lord today.

1. "Restless" by Audrey Assad

This is probably the most well-known song referencing St. Augustine, and it's one of my favorites to pray during praise & worship. 

2. "Prayer of Augustine" by Ed Conlin

A beautiful acoustic song, played here by Daniel Purkapile, that combines a several quotations by St. Augustine.

3. "Restless" by Switchfoot

It's incredible to think that the alternative-rock band Switchfoot, having Christian foundations, has been well-accepted in mainstream media for many years.  Jon Foreman passionately sings about the restlessness of life, utilizing very beautiful images and metaphors and a very catchy chorus.  

4. "Give Me Rest" by Hands

Hands is a metal/hardcore band, but fear not, there is no screaming in this song!  In fact, it's very calming and uplifting, with soaring guitars and percussion. This is the conclusion of one of my favorite albums, as the lead singer Shane Ochsner reflects upon his life and what that moment of final rest might be like.  

5. Requiem for the Living by Dan Forrest

I first encountered this symphonic work when a local group performed it at Conception Seminary.  The entire piece is beautiful, but the fifth movement, Lux Eterna, is my favorite part, as it climaxes with Matthew 11:28 ("Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest.").  

St. Augustine, help us to rest in God alone!
