The Search

“All my life, I have been searching for you.”
     - Army of Me, “Roadmaps”

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.”
     - Jesus, Matthew 7:7

Life is a journey, a search, an endless discovery of what is truly real.  Whether we like it or not, we are constantly being thrust into new situations, undiscovered concepts, and unimagined horizons.  The question then becomes: what are we to do in the face of all of this?

The temptation in this world is to forget about the search, to live day-to-day for goals we set up on our own.  Sometimes we need a rude awakening to tear away the curtains and discover our longing for something deeper.  In my life, I have faced this often: What is the truth that I am supposed to be living for?  What is the love that I earnestly desire?  Ultimately, what we seek is the encounter with something or someone beyond ourselves, and it seems that nothing less than the infinite will satisfy that desire. 

Moreover, we are not alone in our search.  In this world are billions of unique persons, each with his or her own experiences, lessons, and richness.  We recognize in our hearts that part of the answer for our lives is to be in communion with others, yet fear and shame block us from revealing our true selves and trusting in those around us.  We have tremendous wounds and walls, but when we intentionally begin the road of relationship, it is nearly miraculous how much healing and grace comes!

Throughout everything, however, I have discovered that we humans are not the only ones seeking.  The God of Revelation is not a hide-and-seek God, for He has literally become flesh to bring us to Him.  It seems too good to be true!  We are tempted to not allow the extraordinary into our seemingly ordinary lives.  However, if we choose to submit to this incredible possibility, God only knows what will come from it!

This is what I desire this blog to be: a sharing of my own search and an encouragement for all of us to seek together.  Please do leave your comments and feel free to message me at 

In this life and in eternity to come, we embark on the search for encounter.
